I am going to introduce you to things
Rhythm and the colour of beaten Caucasian skin
Racial violence lives next door
We do not go there
The noises still seep in

A dance, then, with self and words
A nocturnal hymnal
or baptismal
or both
It depends which side of the water you’re standing

There are many people to still meet
We start off wearing shoes but close with feet
Dirty and experienced
Maybe overused instead of just

Injustice is the rule
Militaries are the tool
Yes, cops count, too
Don’t be a fool

It’s called the rat race
Cause there’s a trap
It spawned a whole genre of rap
Glorified gory rites of passage to pay their rates
And they wonder why I’m irate

Listen, stop seeing
Oh, and read the Unbearable Lightness of Being
Loneliness and the night
We dance to this thing, I said listen

Flow and the breeze
Nina Simone rubbing my frontal lobe
I can hear things that passed
But so can you
Are you mad or am I
Madness then is the norm
I switch to Norma Jean and thrash till my dreadlocks spew steam
You should see me in Durban summer
breaking the pit

We’ve seen demons and angels
We’ve seen the things that parents never really could warn us about

Tonight became morning before I slept.

Before I woke up today I don’t remember yesterday ending
I was there
I know I was there
Proof that I existed yesterday are today’s things
Carrying themselves over like an extra numeral

I remember sleeping recently.

I dreamed of breaking people’s heads
And exploring numerous places on one large street
Some took to me
Some took off
Some got off
And we really got on

The rhythm is the hymn
The hymnal is the baptismal
A future dismal
We walk the streets with vim
Defiant smiles shedding light
On the broken streetlights

Good morning.

Or good night

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